Monday, April 27, 2009

Thursday, April 23, 2009

OCA had Muffins with Moms and Grandmas this morning! (Tuesday was donuts with dads and grandads, but the camera wasn't there, oops -- but Daddy and Pappy were there!) So anyway, OCA's ploy to get us all there to go to the bookfair worked. I was a little late getting there and there were only like 5 muffins left, luckily Addison liked the pumpkin one... I was a little surprised! She's getting so big - you can tell that she really feels at home there and knows how to behave!!

Aunt Alli got lost, but better late than never!! Thanks for coming!! Addi was really pumped!

Okay, this pic is from Friday, April 24th. We are contemplating getting a dog. Aunt Alli found this 2.5 month old puppy at the Humane Society. We went to look at him, but I chickened out!!! There was a nice little write up about him that said that he was used to being inside and used to being with other dogs. Well, I made the mistake of telling the lady that worked there that we were really gonna make him an outside dog. She quickly discouraged me from taking this or any dog from them! "All of our dogs really need the love and care from people dedicated to making them part of the family! They will become destructive and very sad if left alone!" Based on that statement, Jason and Allison said they don't think she would've let us even have it if we wanted it!! The lady gave me the number and address to the OKC animal shelter.....clearly she is way more worried about the dog than my children!!

Have a good life, Domino!! Today (April 27th) Jackson was supposed to be sleeping. I got in the shower. When I got out, I went to check on the situation. Chandler and Addison's room wreaked of fingernail polish!! He had snuck Addison's makeup and spilled fingernail polish on my carpet!!! When I walked in, he got on all fours and put his face to the ground as if I couldn't see him that way. He kept saying (face to the floor) I'm sowwy, I'm sowwy! I'm thinking - there is absolutely no way I can handle a puppy right now -- Jackson is our "buppy!" What are we gonna do????

Oh yeah, this is from Friday night, the 24th. Addi had already fallen asleep, and we thought Jack had, too. Chandler was up late working on her first research paper on cheetahs! We finally finished for the night at 10:00. We headed down the hallway only to find Jack asleep right in the doorway! So cute - he does not want to miss a thing!!

Sunday morning, before church, he came out of his room being a cowboy! I sorta think he belongs to Jerrod sometimes!! Speaking of, the other day we were sitting at a stoplight and Jackson was gazing out of his window at some man running a weed-eater. Finally he said, "I weally like that guy - he's nice - he's my fwiend!"

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Whatta Weekend!

This weekend we had a blast with the kiddos in Stillwater at the Orange and White game. We toured the campus so the kids could see their dad's old stomping grounds. This pic was taken on the stairs in front of the library. (They are O. S. and U. if you couldn't tell!!)

This pic was inside the business building....very important place!! Jack REALLY wanted to see "Mistu Pete" sooo bad - so we went down by the end zone....
Yea! A close up of "Mistu Pete!"

Jack actually watched a few plays -- maybe he'll catch on....

Our neighbors across the street got some chicken eggs from the extension center and let us come see the brand new baby cute...until they poop!!

We really had a fun family weekend! On our way out of Joe's, Jason and I were talking about how tired we were and that it would probably be time for the next free orange and white game before we make it back there. Just as we were saying that, Jackson, out of the blue said, "Thank you, thank you so much for taking me to have fun with me!! I weally had a gweat time!" AWWWWW!! I told Jason that we'd better not wait that long after that precious comment. They really were's just such a process with three!!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Monday Muses

Really cute pics by Kerri Tindle of Thanks, Ker!!!

Well, the funniest thing that happened today was something Addison did to her dad. I was loading the dishwasher and Jason called from work (at 6 oclock ish). Addison answered the phone - she LOVES to answer the phone and has from a very early age. She simply said, "Hello Daddy! This is, this IS Chandler...... really I am Chandler...." Then I look up at her from the sink to laugh and I see her pick up a paper towel from the table and start to crumple it up with her hand in front of the mouthpiece to the phone......she says, "Daddy, I can't hear you......I can't hear what you're saying... Bye,bye!" That little stink...we're gonna really have to keep an eye on that one!

Chandler is studying "ghost-somethings" in phonics (like gh, gn, wr, kn) and every time I asked her to spell a word with one of those in it like gnat - she would just say, "Tricky, Tricky, Tricky!!" Oh, yeah, she also informed me that when you have to fill in the little "scan-tron" circles that if you get out of the lines they'll count it wrong. Therefore, she takes like 20 mins to fill in one tiny circle perfectly..... I can always tell when her teacher has impressed upon them a new "rule" because she'll come home and repeat it verbatim (even with her teacher's mannerisms - which are pretty funny!) Like today, she went over the whole when to tell or not to tattle-tale on the playground rules - very extensively, with numbers....1. the first time someone hits you, you ask them not to do that again (and don't hit them back) 2. the second time, just ignore them 3. the third time, THEN you go tell a teacher!

Jackson keeps carrying around these poles that go to a soccer net that we never put together after Christmas and calling them his swords. They go in the waist of his pants and he'll pull 'em on you really quick. Speaking of really quick - he's really honest, too! Today they came in from outside and the first thing he said was, "We went really faw away!" I looked at Addison who immediately clammed I just asked Jackson where 'really faw away' was and luckily they had just run to the back of the property - but Addison wasn't about to let that info go!!! Oh, I might as well put this story in here too - I had left Jack in the breakfast room with his cereal the other day and had taken Chandler back to my room for her spelling practice. All of the sudden I hear Jackson cry his "oh, no, I'm in trouble now cry" and I thought he had spilled his milk everywhere.... I came running around the corner and I could hear running water before I made it out of the hallway. He was "cleaning out his bowl" and had somehow pulled the faucet sprayer completely out of the sink, and it was spraying full blast into my kitchen floor! I was so mad, he didn't even get a spanking -- all I could say was, "You'd better just run and hide...." Chandler encouraged him to do so.....

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter 2009


Chandler: "I already got my 12!"
Addison: "Hey - I only want the ones with candy in them...."

Jackson: "Where are more? Why?"

Making sugar cookies with Gran..... a tradition....eating dough...also a tradition!! For me too!!

Well, five days into this deal and we've already skipped two days!! Go figure!! We just got back into town from a wonderful weekend in Ada for Easter with Gran, Papa and Aunt Alli. Gran's clean and tidy house looked like a tornado had just passed through, much like the pew after every church service. We're active!! Speaking of messes during church services.... today, Addi and Chan got to go into Gran and Darla's kindergarten bible class where they passed out the cute little paper sack bunnies (made by Gran) filled with candy. This year, Mrs. Darla decided to bring FunDip as a goodie..... Addi conned Aunt Alli into opening that during the very first part of the worship service. Well, her dad and I told her to put it away and she did, whew!! Well, right as we were about to stand and sing the invitation song, Addison decided to pick up her sack and look in it and there was her opened pack of FunDip. She picked it up and I, knowing that it was opened already, took it from her and put it right back in her bunny sack. I said, "Do not get that out of your....." TOO LATE!! She picked it up again, spilling the entire sugary contents all over her dress, my arm, the pew, the floor, in all of our shoes.....UGH!!!! All she kept saying was, "Sorry. Sorry. Sorry." Of course, we're in the middle of worship service, what could I do? Just swept it into the floor and moved on...sticky.

We drove to Ada Saturday morning in time to meet mom and dad for breakfast at J.D.'s Cafe ( like a Jimmy's Egg). When we got there, Jackson kept asking, "Where's J.D.?" He could not figure out why his friend J.D. Evans wasn't there, after all we were at J.D.'s!! After breakfast, of course, they all wanted to ride with Gran. So, we start to get them all loaded up and one of the seatbelts was trapped by the seat, so the path of least resistance was to make Chandler (poor girl) ride with Jason and me. Jason and I decided to run a few errands, like getting my ring checked and cleaned by the jeweler there in Ada that made my ring, and getting a Dr. Pepper from Butler's. Anyway, while we were driving around, Chandler was like, "Wow, it sure is quiet and peaceful in here without Addi and Jack.... What if....they weren't ever born.... " We laughed and then reminded her of how much fun she has with her siblings and how much she and we love all of them. She is sooo right, though, about the car rides!! Peaceful! Then, we went to see baby Taitum Tindle and Quin before we headed back out to Gran's. Chandler was sooo cute holding the precious tiny 4 day old baby. She was like, "She's soo tiny; look at her tiny toes; awwwww; she looked at me" The list goes on and on of cute little quotes for a cute little baby!! Chandler is soooo grown up!!!

Chandler and Taitor Tott!!

Jackson: Well, let's see..... He is such a mess! He gripes you out if your response is not what he had in mind... he loves to make people laugh....he just wants to go go go!! But finally, on the drive home after a yummy BLUE ringpop, he pooped out!!

Ahhhhh, asleep at last!!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Well, the kids have been crazy today! Two got to have Easter egg hunts at school, but not my public school girl (poor chan!).

Chandler is doing amazingly well in school with reading and with word problems in math! Piano lessons are coming along nicely, too. When I asked her if she was liking piano, she said, "No. .....I love it!!!" Then I laughed and, of course, she planned out how we were gonna set her daddy up to ask her so she could give him the same crafty response. She loves to make her dad laugh.

Addison has recently moved forward leaps and bounds in school. Papers that were coming home not filled out at all (like with repeating letter and number practice) are now coming home not only filled out, but filled out well!! She is showing such an interest in reading and writing!!! EVERY night, she "reads" at least 5 or more books either to herself, or to her "students." She and Chander may have fought all day, but when it comes bedtime... they're thick as thieves...

I seriously have to spank or almost spank both girls every single night. It'll be like 10:00 p.m. and they'll still be in there giggling!! It's sweet up to a point, but seriously, then every morning is dreadfull!! Of the two, however, Addison wins the "not a morning person" title hands down.

Oh, one more thing on Chandler. Miss "I'm the big sister," many times ends up either talking Addison in to getting into her twin bed, or gets in Addison's twin bed with her-- because she's scared ... and along those lines....she now only sleeps on top of her comforter because of the scene in Star Wars I where those things crawl under Queen Amadala's (sp) covers.... o brother!!

Jackson, well.....all he ever talks about these days is wanting a mommy with a baby in her tummy and a dog....needless to say, he will not ever, never, get a mommy with a baby in her tummy; but he may possibly some day get to have a dog! Today while we were driving to Sonshine school, he (out of the blue) stated, "Momma, I want a puppy, named Zamuel, so he won't even bite me." I asked him several times about why he chose that name and he just kept saying it with confidence. Not sure of the not biting correlation.... AND the other day when I picked him up from the Y, the babysitter girl told me that for his birthday he told her he wanted a baby and a puppy.... He would have a swimming pool party with hotdogs and "halloons" -- maybe I should've let him plan his party...

Okay, gotta go crack the whip on those girls... what's new??.. good night!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Whew- I finally figured out that I had to sign in to add another post.... technically challenged, to say the least. Okay, I'm tired, so I'll get straight to it.

I thought I had bought a can of flaked salmon to make salmon patties for dinner, but when I opened it I realized that I had bought "traditional style" salmon in a can...which is basically the whole fish (minus head and tail) but with skin and all crammed into the can. About the time I was plopping the whole fish into the bowl, Chandler walked in and before she could see it she smelled it and was like "O yea! Salmon patties" but then I showed her how gross it looked and she was eeewwwing and ooooing. I said I was gonna keep it there to show her dad when he got home, to which she replied, "Why would you want to do that? There's no way he's gonna want to see that!!!" She didn't realize how much misery loves company....

She was playing with Jackson while we were waiting on Chandler to get out of her dance class and she was o so grown up. She squatted down to Jack and clapped her hands and said, "Come on buddy, you're my little buddy aren't ya!!" He let her pick him up and lead him around like her little puppy/student..."My class, line up...Jackson is the line and so -- you better come get in and so, I said stand still, etc..."

He has an ouchie on his foot that he won because he and Chandler were "riding" her scooter (he was barefooted) and they crashed. Now, he keeps informing me that he can't walk because of his ouchie... "My knees hurt, my foot hurts, my back hurts....." wonder where he heard all of those claims??? O and he wants to know if God has a 'bout a car....

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Okay, I'm going to attempt this blogging thing......we'll see how daily the deans can be! Today, I got to see baby Taitum Leigh Tindle come into the world. I was soooo thrilled to get to be a part of this momentus day!! I barely made it between patients...she is sooo beautiful! Anyway, I took a lot of pics for Kerri today - was kinda nervous photographing such an important event....for a photographer... yikes! Hope she likes them!!

Let's see, I think I'd like to try to post at least one quote per kid per day..... I may need some kind of buddy system or accountability partner for this one....

"Mom, would you like me to put this dish in the dishwasher?" Sure, I said, to which she said, "Will you give me a dollar?" and last night when her dad told her to go get in the shower, she also wondered if she did it immediately if she'd get a dollar for that too!! What are we creating? Jason said, "No, but I like the thought process!!"

Her favorite daily thing right now is to pretend argue with me about taking her medicine (antibiotic for strep).... she (after she's already sucked it down) will say, "Mom, I don't want to take my medicine... it's gross.... I don't know how.....please don't make me!!!"

My o' my -- where do I begin!??? He says something funny every 5 mins.... Today when I went to pick him up at Tyna's house, the very first thing he said to me was, "Hey mom, I thought Mimi was picking me up today." He's two! He is also going through this phase where he wants me to lie his blanket on top of him before I leave his room at bedtime...the kicker is that it has to be exactly perfect, and I have no idea what "perfect" will entail from night to night....

Speaking of..... nighty night!!