Easter 2009
Well, five days into this deal and we've already skipped two days!! Go figure!! We just got back into town from a wonderful weekend in Ada for Easter with Gran, Papa and Aunt Alli. Gran's clean and tidy house looked like a tornado had just passed through, much like the pew after every church service. We're active!! Speaking of messes during church services.... today, Addi and Chan got to go into Gran and Darla's kindergarten bible class where they passed out the cute little paper sack bunnies (made by Gran) filled with candy. This year, Mrs. Darla decided to bring FunDip as a goodie..... Addi conned Aunt Alli into opening that during the very first part of the worship service. Well, her dad and I told her to put it away and she did, whew!! Well, right as we were about to stand and sing the invitation song, Addison decided to pick up her sack and look in it and there was her opened pack of FunDip. She picked it up and I, knowing that it was opened already, took it from her and put it right back in her bunny sack. I said, "Do not get that out of your....." TOO LATE!! She picked it up again, spilling the entire sugary contents all over her dress, my arm, the pew, the floor, in all of our shoes.....UGH!!!! All she kept saying was, "Sorry. Sorry. Sorry." Of course, we're in the middle of worship service, what could I do? Just swept it into the floor and moved on...sticky.
We drove to Ada Saturday morning in time to meet mom and dad for breakfast at J.D.'s Cafe ( like a Jimmy's Egg). When we got there, Jackson kept asking, "Where's J.D.?" He could not figure out why his friend J.D. Evans wasn't there, after all we were at J.D.'s!! After breakfast, of course, they all wanted to ride with Gran. So, we start to get them all loaded up and one of the seatbelts was trapped by the seat, so the path of least resistance was to make Chandler (poor girl) ride with Jason and me. Jason and I decided to run a few errands, like getting my ring checked and cleaned by the jeweler there in Ada that made my ring, and getting a Dr. Pepper from Butler's. Anyway, while we were driving around, Chandler was like, "Wow, it sure is quiet and peaceful in here without Addi and Jack.... What if....they weren't ever born.... " We laughed and then reminded her of how much fun she has with her siblings and how much she and we love all of them. She is sooo right, though, about the car rides!! Peaceful! Then, we went to see baby Taitum Tindle and Quin before we headed back out to Gran's. Chandler was sooo cute holding the precious tiny 4 day old baby. She was like, "She's soo tiny; look at her tiny toes; awwwww; she looked at me" The list goes on and on of cute little quotes for a cute little baby!! Chandler is soooo grown up!!!
Chandler and Taitor Tott!!
Jackson: Well, let's see..... He is such a mess! He gripes you out if your response is not what he had in mind... he loves to make people laugh....he just wants to go go go!! But finally, on the drive home after a yummy BLUE ringpop, he pooped out!!
Ahhhhh, asleep at last!!!
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