Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Whew- I finally figured out that I had to sign in to add another post.... technically challenged, to say the least. Okay, I'm tired, so I'll get straight to it.

I thought I had bought a can of flaked salmon to make salmon patties for dinner, but when I opened it I realized that I had bought "traditional style" salmon in a can...which is basically the whole fish (minus head and tail) but with skin and all crammed into the can. About the time I was plopping the whole fish into the bowl, Chandler walked in and before she could see it she smelled it and was like "O yea! Salmon patties" but then I showed her how gross it looked and she was eeewwwing and ooooing. I said I was gonna keep it there to show her dad when he got home, to which she replied, "Why would you want to do that? There's no way he's gonna want to see that!!!" She didn't realize how much misery loves company....

She was playing with Jackson while we were waiting on Chandler to get out of her dance class and she was o so grown up. She squatted down to Jack and clapped her hands and said, "Come on buddy, you're my little buddy aren't ya!!" He let her pick him up and lead him around like her little puppy/student..."My class, line up...Jackson is the line and so -- you better come get in and so, I said stand still, etc..."

He has an ouchie on his foot that he won because he and Chandler were "riding" her scooter (he was barefooted) and they crashed. Now, he keeps informing me that he can't walk because of his ouchie... "My knees hurt, my foot hurts, my back hurts....." wonder where he heard all of those claims??? O and he wants to know if God has a 'bout a car....

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